2007 Art Resources Directory

The 2007 ART Directory and Handbook can ordered on Disk, run online or downloaded as a PDF file.

“INCIID is resilience, hope, friendship, support, and future breakthroughs.”

“They say when one faces a challenge or problem in life, it is then that you discover who your true friends are. Nowhere is that more clear than on INCIID. The support of those that post on the boards, the staff, volunteers and moderators is phenomenal.”

“Resilience, because even in the most trying times, INCIID helps me to keep going forward, to overcome the problems I may face, the fears I may experience, the heartbreak I have known, and celebrates with me the joy I know now.”

These are but a few comments about INCIID’s efforts in helping couples and individuals to decide their best family-building options.

Run the Directory online here.

Download the entire Directory as one PDF File. (This is quite large)

Order the directory by emailing us through our contact form and requesting the 2007 ART Directory on Disk.