Table of Contents 2006 Resource Directory and Handbook

Alternative & Complementary Therapies

Brian Acacio, M.D.
Acupuncture and IVF
Amy Brunette
Physical Therapy Treatment for Infertility
Randine Lewis, Ph.D.
Does the Observer Dictate the Outcome?


Whether you look at our 2006 ART Resource Directory online, or on the CD, you will need the following technical capabilities:
Internet Explorer version 5.0 and above, Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 and above, and Macromedia Flash Player version 5.0 and above are required to properly run these files.

You can see the table of contents here (without launching the interactive file)

Ready to launch?  Click here to launch the 2006 ART Resource Handbook and Directory. 

(Note – this will take you to the interactive table of contents from where you may reach all of these articles).

ART & Infertility

Joe Massey, M.D.
Cryopreservation: Recent Advances Improves an Important Aspect of IVF
W.A. Saleh, M.D. and Geoffrey Sher, M.D.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and IVF; The Need to Customize Ovulation Induction Protocols
I. Lane Wong, M.D.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Insulin Resistance (IR), & the metabolic Syndrome:  An Update
Scott Slayden, M.D. and Joe Massey, M.D.
Achieving a Successful Outcome Through Intrauterine Insemination and Ovulation Induction
Alexander Dlugi, M.D.
Choosing the Optimal Day for Embryo Transfer
David E. Tourgeman, M.D.
De-Mystifying Fertility Medications
Daniel A. Potter, M.D.
MicroSort©:  Technology Separates the Boys from the Girls
Steven C. Presser, M.D.
Obesity and Reproductive Health
Joe Massey, M.D.
IVM:  IVF With Just One Shot
Hugh D Melnick, M.D.
A New Look at the Diagnosis and Treatment of Subfertility
Bradford Kolb, M.D.
Preserving Reproductive Options in Oncology Patients
Mory Nouriani, M.D.  
Infertility Issues in Cancer Patients
John Storment, M.D.
Obesity and Reproduction
Carolyn Givens, M.D
Novel Protocol for Poorly-Responding IVF Patients
Edward L Marut, M.D.
Last Ditch Efforts: Tactics to Use Your Own Eggs when Donor Egg Seems Inevitable

Coping with Infertility

Helen Adrienne, LCSW, BCD
All Kinds of Tears
Helen Adrienne, LCSW, BCD
Experiencing, Really Experiencing, In Vitro Fertilization

Financial Considerations

Tricia L. Campbell
Affording Your Fertility
Nancy Hemenway
From INCIID the Heart

Genetics & Infertility

Jeffrey Klein, M.D.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD): A New Option For Patients With Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Philip E. Chenette, M.D.
Stem Cells and Fertility
Lawrence Werlin, M.D.
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) as Both a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tool in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
Elissa Levin, M.S.,CGC
Genetic Testing for Infertility and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Donald Evenson, M.D.
Updated Views and Data on Sperm DNA Fragmentation and Pregnancy Outcomes

Legal Considerations

Tamera L. McNulty, Attorney
Surrogacy Contracts
Diane Michelsen, Attorney
Finding Your Assisted Reproductive Program

Male Infertility

Carolyn Givens, M.D.
Sperm Boosters – Fact or Fiction?
Marc Goldstein, M.D.
Varicocele:  Overview & Diagnosis
Marc Goldstein, M.D.
Varicocele – Surgery & Therapeutic Alternatives
Z. Peter Nagy, M.D. and Dorothy Mitchell-Leef, M.D.
New Technologies in ICSI
Brian Schreiber, M.D.
How and Why Combination L-Carnitine/Acetylcarnitine Therapy Optimizes Sperm Health

Pregnancy & Loss

I. Lane Wong, M.D.
Making Sense of the Early Pregnancy Ultrasound
Carolyn B. Coulam, M.D. and Nancy P. Hemenway
Immunology May Be Key to Pregnancy Loss:
      Part I:  An Introduction to Pregnancy Loss
      Part II:  The Basics of Immunology & Pregnancy Loss
      Part III.  Tests Available to Diagnose Immunologic Causes of Pregnancy Loss
      Part IV.  Treatment for Immunologic Causes of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Peter Ahlering, M.D.
Embryoscopy in the Evaluation of Clinical Miscarriages
Michele Evans, M.D.
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Daniel Levine, M.D.
The Inherited Thrombophilias and Recurrent Miscarriages
Michael S. Swanson, M.D.
Thrombophilia and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Spencer Richlin, M.D.
Premature Ovarian Failure
Kathy Trumbull, M.D.
Some Lifestyle Issues to Consider for Your Reproductive Health

Research, Ethics  & Statistics

DanielRey Kilbride
Cavallini Study Poster
Diahn Oakley and Jeff Keenan, M.D.
How IVF Patients may be Impacted by Embryonic Stem Cell Research:  a Private Choice in a Public Controversy
Geoffrey Sher, M.D.
Oversight of Reporting IVF Statistics Sorely Lacking: Is a Crisis Looming?
Sam Thatcher, M.D.
Reading Between the Line in the CDC IVF Clinic Reports

Third Party Reproduction & Adoption

Joel Batzofin, M.D. and Daniel Levine, M.D.
Third Party Parenting
Diane Michelsen, Attorney
Ten Factors for a Successful Pregnancy with a Gestational Carrier
Robert Boostanfar, M.D. 
What to Expect, When You’re Expecting in Your 40’s and 50’s!


Whether you look at our 2006 ART Resource Directory online, or on the CD, you will need the following technical capabilities:
Internet Explorer version 5.0 and above, Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 and above, and Macromedia Flash Player version 5.0 and above are required to properly run these files.
You can see the table of contents here (without launching the interactive file)

Ready to launch?  Click here to launch the 2006 ART Resource Handbook and Directory. 

(Note – this will take you to the interactive table of contents from where you may reach all of these articles).