From Heartbreak to Hope: Mark and Michelle’s Story
From Heartbreak to Hope:
A From INCIID the Heart Success Story
Note: Meghan Grace has arrived!
Michelle and Mark are INCIID IVF Scholarship recipients who have been waiting for over six years for their little miracle. Read their story.
Meghan Grace arrived on November 26 at 1:47 AM. She was born at 33 weeks and 3 days. Meghan has been breathing completely on her own since she was born. Right now Mark and Michelle are working with their doctors to help her learn to feed on her own. We all wish them well and send a big congratulations !
Michelle and Mark have been trying to build their family for over six years. Childhood sweethearts who have been together for twenty years. They have experienced devastating heartbreak with the loss of two early pregnancies; as well as their daughter at thirty six weeks, as a result of lost oxygen during labor. They had given up all hope, until they learned they had qualified to receive a free round of in vitro fertilization at CFA, through the From INCIID the Heart program. INCIID (pronounced “INSIDE”), the InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, is a nonprofit organization that provides current information and immediate support regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infertility and pregnancy loss, and offers guidance to those considering adoption or childfree lifestyles.
Dr. Michael Doyle believes that, “It’s not fair that couples who can’t afford treatment usually can’t get it, so CFA is doing something about that. By donating our services, we want to show that it feels good to reach out and simply give of ourselves, to make a difference.” With that in mind, Connecticut Fertility Associates has donated three free cycles of IVF to the INCIID the Heart program. The INCIID program selects infertility patients without insurance coverage to receive donated IVF cycles. Participants have been selected by INCIID (not CFA) based on their specific medical and financial need. INCIID’s volunteer committee of consumers, former patients and health care professionals has reviewed hundred of candidates, and sent the great news to some.
Michelle and Mark, who traveled to CFA from their home in the Midwest, received their donated cycle at CFA earlier this year – and it worked !! They are now eagerly awaiting the birth of their child, due January 2006. Michelle is, “excited about coming back to Connecticut for a visit after the baby is born. After six years and three losses this will be a momentous occasion for us and we can’t wait to share it with those who helped us get here! Thank you to everyone at INCIID and to Dr Doyle, and the wonderful team at CFA.”
Information on the INCIID the Heart Program
News FLASH — First IVF Scholarship baby was born October 31, 2005 at 7:30 AM CT