Feb. 26, 2015 INCIID Insights Newsletter: California: Golden State for Surrogacy and Special Education Unzipped

California: A Golden State for Surrogacy
by Stephanie Caballero, Esq.

“What is the quality of your intent?”
Thurgood Marshall  

Why, you ask? Because, the intent to parent is key to the determination of your parental rights.

Not only is intent key, but also California now has a surrogacy statute and that means we have a very clear framework on surrogacy, regardless of martial status — or lack thereof – or sexual orientation, parentage can be established.

As with all things legal, let’s start with the law.
In the beginning – case law Learn More


Special Education Unzipped  

by Brice Palmer  

How to analyze and come to a conclusion

 The IDEA’s procedural safeguards expect that parents will advocate for the student.

That means you, the parent-are the first line of defense for your child’s right to a free and appropriate public education.

Let’s begin by saying that when we have difficulties with the Old Overshoe School Team,[1]

our first thought is usually not about asking for a due process hearing. No, we ask for a Team meeting or send an email message or a letter to let the Team know we believe our child is not getting something we believe our child needs. Learn More

New INCIID Advisory Board Member

INCIID is pleased to welcome Dr. Reichman as its newest advisory board member. Dr. Reichman is an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Reichman has received numerous awards for his clinical excellence, surgical expertise, and medical research, including the William J. Ledger Prize (Cornell), the Emans-Goldstein Award (Harvard), the Outstanding Teacher Award (Harvard), and the Special Resident in Minimally Invasive Surgery Award. Dr. Reichman has expressed an interest in helping INCIID by answering your question on a forum. Stay-tuned to the INCIID Insights Newsletter to find out how to as your questions.  Learn More


INCIID has moved from Arlington to Burke Virginia.

In discussions with the US Postal Service about our mail, we discovered forwarding mail has been sporadic.  If you sent us an IVF application, a donation, a letter or anything after July 1, 2014, please re-send it and email us to let us know. We are sorry for the inconvenience our move caused.

IVF Scholarship Application and Questions 
Have questions about the From INCIID the Heart Scholarship?
Join us for a webinar conference meetings every Thursday from Noon to 1 PM for Lunch Bytes. If you are curious about the process or have questions about the program join us every Thursday in March.Check the INCIID Calendar or REGISTER HERE

Congratulations to Patrick and Kimberly (scholarship recipients)
They have TWIN BOYS on the way!
Sign up for a Webinar & Conference with the Advocate
Many couples and individuals with infertility are successful in building their family through treatment. Some build a family through adoption; including international adoption.  Families are built in a number of ways. But all have one thing in common; they are parenting children. Some of those children have special needs. After each article, we schedule a conference call or chat. The next call is scheduled for Wed. March 4, 2015 at 7:30 PM ET. Sign Up Here (for the Newsletter) Check the INCIID Calendar for the latest meetings and to Sign up for meetings

Special Offer For Conference Participants

Be sure to call in to participate in the meetings following the advocacy article series.

INCIID will put every telephone conference attendee’s name in a hat. After the conference, INCIID will put on the blinders and pull one name out of the hat. The “winner” can then get a free one-on-one telephone conference with Brice.
Any special education topic for the conference with Brice is fair game.
INCIID will notify the “winner” by email.

There is no cost for either the article series or webinars. Please do remember INCIID is a nonprofit and runs its programs and services on donations and contributions.

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 Read the FAQ and download the application HERE