Criteria in selecting an IVF Clinic
Criteria for Selecting a High-Tech Infertility Clinic Reproductive Endocrinologist (May also be Reproductive Surgeon): It is recommended that a board-approvedA History of IVF
In the United States, one of the richest and most technically advanced nations on earth, millions of couples remain involuntarilyViagra and the Endometrial Lining by Geoffrey Sher, M.D.
Viagra and the Endometrial Lining By Geoffrey Sher MD In normal and “stimulated cycles, pre-ovulatory endometrial thickness and ultrasound appearance, is predictiveChoosing the Optimal Day for Embryo Transfer by Dlugi, MD
Choosing the Optimal Day for Embryo TransferBy Alexander Dlugi, M.D. Selecting the correct time for embryo transfer is not always easy.How IVF patients may be impacted by embryonic stem cell research. A private choice in a public controversy By K.D. Oakley, PR Manager, NEDC and Jeffrey Keenan, MD, FACOG, HCLD
The fertility industry is on the verge of challenges and changes brought about by the international controversy of embryonic stemPreimplantation Genetic Testing by William Kearns, Ph.D.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) By Dr. William Kearns Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a state of the art procedure used in![Understanding and managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) by Sam Thatcher, M.D., Ph.D.](