Falloposcopy By Gary S. Berger, M.D. For millions of women with tubal infertility, the recent introduction of falloposcopy in the US is good news. For the first time, internal examination
The Da Vinci Robotical Surgical System by Glenn Schattman, M.D. Glenn Schattman, M.D.Cornell IVF Program Robotic surgical Video Clip [Graphic surgical clip – you will need Windows Media Player to view this.Please
Egg FreezingBy Geoffrey Sher, MD Women who want to preserve their fertility for reasons of cancer treatment, career, or other personal choice, have faced a difficult barrier due to the
In this section: OVARIAN CRYOPRESERVATION AND TRANSPLANTATION: An Emerging Tool for Fertility Preservation By Kutluk Oktay, M.D.In the US alone, hundreds of thousands of women and children are subjected to
Breathing in the Now:Creating an Eye in the Stormby Helen Adrienne, M.S.W., A.C.S.W. Infertility is an emotional hurricane. And hurricanes wreak havoc. While it is not irrational to think and
THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE By Helen Adrienne, LCSW, BCD Simon and Garfunkel sang of the “words of the prophets being written on subway walls and tenement halls” and prophetic words
An Intimate Look at Intimacy by Helen Adrienne, LCSW, BCD As you well know, infertility is a life crisis of major proportions that leaves no area of life untouched. Furthermore,