FSH, Egg Quality and Ovarian Reserves
Selecting your Egg Donor by Terry Nichtberger RN, MSN, CFNP and Vicki L. Schnell MD
Open communication is very important during selection of an egg donor. Couples should feel good and generally at peace with their decision to build a family using this method of third party reproduction.
Thatcher’s Thoughts FSH as a marker of egg stores and IVF success
In order to have a successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, it is of great importance that the ovary responds to gonadotropin stimulation and thus develop several follicles
Good Eggs, FSH levels and Ovarian Reserve by David Sable, MD
As essay by Dr. Sable about ovarian reserve, or the “egg factor.” As of this writing we are quite capable of bypassing the problems of poor quality sperm or low sperm count or problems stemming from dysfunction or disease of the female reproductive system such as endometriosis or tubal disease but egg quality has yet to be something we can change for the better.
Egg freezing, is it right for you?
There is a great deal of controversy surrounding the freezing of human ova.
Good Eggs, FSH levels and Ovarian Reserve by David Sable, MD
The concept I describe most frequently to anyone interested in fertility is that of ovarian reserve, or the “egg factor.” As of this writing we are quite capable of bypassing the problems of poor quality sperm or low sperm count or problems stemming from dysfunction or disease of the female reproductive system such as endometriosis or tubal disease.