INCIID Success Stories
Outstanding stories of hope and courage for and about INCIID community members.
In this section:
A December 2008 Message – the Story of Jayson and Heather
INCIID is helping many couples who are struggling to create a family on personal level through the first and only national scholarship program providing free IVF scholarships. Each family has their own unique story. This holiday season we thought a personal look inside one of many stories might be in order
From INCIID the Heart: Video of the first baby born through our IVF scholarship program
On Monday October 31, 2005, the first “From INCIID the Heart” baby was born to the first couple to get pregnant from this scholarship. This video clip is dedicated to all who struggle with infertility and pregnancy loss. Warning: this is both video and audio. You’ll Windows Media Player and a box of tissues to view it.
From Heartbreak to Hope: Mark and Michelle’s Story
An INCIID Heart Program story of hope. Meghan Grace has arrived! Michelle and Mark are INCIID IVF Scholarship recipients who have been waiting for over six years for their little miracle. Read their story.
The INCIID Story: A Friendship Like No Other
Ever heard of a friendship so special it seems like it was out of a movie? Kris and Lisa had this kind of a relationship. [Caution: Death of a Mother and Child mentioned.]
The INCIID Story: Listeria, Pregnancy and One Couple\’s Fight to Build their Family Against ALL Odds
After a year of marriage, Scott and Lisa wanted a family. There was no reason to suspect the tragedy and harship ahead.