INCIID the Holidays
Holidays can be very hard for those struggling to build a family. INCIID the holidays is an area for support and to help support you through the holiday blues.
In this section:
Dealing with the Stress of the Holidays
The stress of the holidays is a topic that has appeared with regularity in articles and newsletters since 1979 when I began working as a psychotherapist with infertility patients. Rightfully so. Infertility is demanding and stressful. The Holidays are demanding and stressful. And in this case, one plus one equals way more than 2.
Uniting as a Couple to Beat the Holiday Stress
Infertility is stressful; the holidays are stressful. Taken together, one plus one equals way more than two. Yet
INCIID Insights December 2006: A Grab Bag of Coping Skills for the Holidays
Coping skills are important at this time of year.
INCIID Insights Nov. 2006: Oh No Not the Holidays by Helen Adrienne
The holidays can produce some strong feelings which is absolutely normal if one is at any stage of diagnosis or treatment for the difficulty you are having in trying to conceive. Any and all feelings and their intensity at this time of year can be boiled down to a predominant issue: I don’t want to participate in forced gayety.
INCIID Insights November 2006: INCIID the Holidays
Infertility makes Father’s Day forever bittersweet by Jeffrey Collins
Like a lot of men, I’m sure, Father’s Day never meant a whole lot to me. For most of my life Father’s Day was only about my dad, and whether or not I’d remember to call him on “his day” or whether I’d just mow the lawn in homage to him instead. In my lifetime I’ve had only one friend who’d said that he’d always dreamed of being a dad. But he seems to be the exception in our crowd, not the rule. I know Father’s Day certainly never meant as much to me as Mother’s Day meant to my wife.
Webinar — Coping with the Holidays with Alice Domar, Ph.D.
A webinar is an educational module of a live event. This particular webinar is a discussion on coping with the holidays presented by Alice Domar, Ph.D. of the Mind Body Institute at Boston IVF.