IVF Scholarship
The “From INCIID the Heart” IVF Scholarship is NOT a Grant Program. INCIID is a nonprofit charity (501 c 3). The scholarship program is comprised of donated IVF treatment for INCIID community members. No money is provided. Instead, recipients receive approximately $25,000 in the form of donated medical care. (The application is at the end of this FAQ)
The Basics of the Scholarship:
- Eligibility Location: Any resident of the United States who files income tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is eligible to apply for the IVF scholarship. Other eligibility requirements are as follows:
- Registration: You must be a registered member of the INCIID Community (Website) INCIID also prefers you interact on INCIID’s FACEBOOK and TWITTER accounts. INCIID requires an annual Bronze level of annual support from applicants by (donating $55 annually)
- Medical Eligibility: One of the Applicant must meet the American Society for Reproductive Medicine definition of medical infertility. Genetic conditions are also considered.There must be documented a medical need for the IVF procedure. (i.e. blocked tubes, unexplained infertility, endometriosis, POF, male factor, female factor – not an exhaustive list). Note: Tubal ligation (tied tubes) is not considered medical infertility but is a sterilization procedure. If you think there are extenuating circumstances, please contact us.INCIID requires a letter from a reproductive medicine specialist stating the medical need for IVF and specifics for recommending IVF for one or both of the applicants.
- Financial Need: Applicants must demonstrate financial need. INCIID requires financial documentation from all applicants including partner applicants.If you are single with a partner or significant other both must file the application with INCIID. A final determination from the scholarship committee determines financial need.Generally, a household income of $75,000 or below is considered enough need but other circumstances are also considered. For example, geographic areas where the cost of living is high for are given extra consideration. Incomes may also be higher if the applicant’s exhausted savings or tried on their own without any financial help. If an applicant needs genetic procedures (not covered by the basic scholarship), consideration for higher incomes is also considered and often approved.Insurance: Approved applicants have no insurance coverage for IVF. Insurance for diagnostics and low-tech forms of infertility treatment are still eligible and preferred.
Note: The scholarship program is geared toward couples without any children but those who have a child are considered based on their circumstances and the compelling nature of their story. While consideration will be given to those who already have one child, preference will be given to those with no children.
**New in 2019: As part of the INCIID Application Process, INCIID is requiring a photo array or video (preferred) letter telling your story.
The Heart Program is not a grant. No money or financial help is provided. The IVF procedure is donated medical care by reproductive specialists who donate their time, expertise and facilities to the INCIID Program in support of the INCIID Mission. In many cases, you will have to travel for treatment. If traveling is not an option, this may not be a good fit for you
Selection is based on the compelling nature of an applicant’s circumstances, their fertility history, financial situation and a number of other determining factors. As with any scholarship, not all who apply and meet the criteria will become finalists/recipients.
** The From INCIID the Heart program exists because of the generosity of contributing doctors and sponsors. As such the INCIID program requires that applicants meet the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s definition of infertility. Infertility due to voluntary medical procedures such as a vasectomy or tubal ligation does not generally fall under this guideline. There may be extenuating circumstances contributing to a situation which are evaluated by the Heart Committee on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions, however, are EXTREMELY RARE and are not relevant in cases where one or both applicants have a child or children.
** All recipient/finalist cycles are subject to a final medical review and determination on whether the donated treatment is appropriate for the recipient. INCIID may make changes in policies, procedures, offerings, and requirements at any time. All finalists are subject to a fundraising requirement for INCIID.
2. How Long are the Processing Timelines
2. How long does the processing take?
Processing times vary. Each application is considered individually.
The timelines can be lengthy and are dependent on many other individuals, participating clinics and companies working with us and different staffing schedules. Among “some” of the events that influence timelines are:
- Time of year,
- Holidays,
- Changes in personnel,
- Changes in individual and company schedules and timelines,
- Changes in corporate schedules,
- Changes in donations,
- Changes in donating facilities,
- Changes in committee members etc.,
Applicants come from all over the United States, each coming with a unique set of circumstances. Once applicants are selected as finalists and they meet their fundraising requirement, they are matched. Matching is a complex process and can take 6-12 months depending on the circumstances, the economy and whether or not the clinic has room in its schedule. We work as closely as possible with scholarship recipients to make their experience positive.
We appreciate patience while each application and applicant is provided with the time and attention it deserves.
Applications should be mailed to “From INCIID the Heart”, INCIID, Inc. 5765 F Burke Centre Pkwy, Box 330. Burke, VA 22015. We encourage you to fax the application to our secure HIPAA Fax line. Please contact us for the number.
- INCIID will not process an incomplete application.
Please do not send a partial application. The demand for scholarship IVF cycles is much higher than the annual number we have to give away. Processing each applicant is a careful and time-consuming effort. We must have a complete application in order to process the application for the committee or to approve it. If the application we will not process it. We prefer you sign up for Bronze membership online. If you send us a check and it is returned we will not process your application further.
- The most common form of communication for this program will be through email. See the “Contact Us” link on the website.
- Therefore BE SURE you have a working email address and if you change emails, please let us know.
- Be sure you have an active ACTIVATED User Account.
- Be sure you are active within the INCIID Community, Facebook and Twitter.
- Be sure when you write to include your INCIID Community Member User Name and full name and write to us from your registered email account. Otherwise, you may not receive an answer.
If an applicant’s circumstances change during the application process (i.e. increased income, adoption, unexpected pregnancy, medical treatment including an IVF) Lack of notification can void or delay a scholarship award.
Individuals whose applications have not been selected as a finalist by the Committee will be notified by e-mail. Applicants who have missing documents will have their application returned to them. notified by email. Applicants chosen for a scholarship will be notified by phone and/or email.
A finalist is an applicant selected and designated by the committee to receive a donated cycle pending final approval by the donating clinic. The medical professionals donating the cycle have final approval. Decisions on any medical care rest with the patient and the doctor.
Please note that donating medical service providers may request additional testing for specific individual cases. This additional diagnosis and/or treatment is not included in the basic donated treatment IVF cycle. There are generally other expenses above the donated medical care. When matched with a clinic, the medical care and expenses as a result of this care are between doctor and patient.
Beyond family-building, INCIID has a mission:
1. Every scholarship recipient should be an ambassador, a promoter and a supporter of INCIID Programs
2. Every recipient should be 100% supportive of INCIID’s mission and programs. As an advocate and a partner with INCIID helping to raise infertility awareness, giving compassionate support to others who find themselves in the same circumstances, and helping to educate the public, we expect your full support of this mission to serve the community.
Recipients who are selected will have a fundraising commitment/requirement to INCIID for a minimum of $3800 before being matched with a donating clinic. Many recipients raise more. The money does not come from the consumer but instead, is raised (with INCIID’s support) by the scholarship recipients for charity and in support of INCIID’s family-building mission. INCIID is a 501 (c) 3 charity and donations are usually tax deductible. Check with your accountant to be sure.
Just as those who seek treatment, are partners in their care, INCIID believes those who need our help will become partners and more than just recipients of donated treatment. Through active fundraising for INCIID, these scholarship recipients invest some of themselves in the organization that supports all those suffering from infertility and multiple pregnancy loss.
Everyone who works to build awareness through INCIID’s cause is passionate about helping others through education and infertility awareness. By helping others they find they also help themselves. The result will be a self-sufficient and supportive program branching out like the branches of a tree with friends, family/relatives and others raising awareness for services and programs we offer while giving us a wider audience to tell some of the incredible INCIID stories. If you are unsure about INCIID or INCIID’s mission, we suggest you get to know about the organization before you apply.
Read the fundraising FAQ here
All applications are selected based on a variety of criteria including medical history, personal statement, financial need and the compelling nature of the applicant’s circumstances. In addition, the medical history of Finalists will be reviewed by the donating clinic to determine whether the Finalist is a good candidate for the procedure.
INCIID believes that an educated, supported and the informed patient has the best chance of success. As a scholarship applicant, we expect participation with others online in the INCIID interactive forums, only to help yourself but also to help others who struggle with infertility and pregnancy loss.
There are no age criteria. Be aware participating physicians will make a determination of whether the applicant is suitable for the IVF procedure. For example, generally, women in their 40’s have egg quality issues and may require donor eggs. Donor stipends and other expenses are not included in the IVF cycle. Due to circumstances beyond our control INCIID no longer offers cycles to recipients that need a donor. Final medical decisions are up to participating physicians.
Also, it is a wise decision to know what your ovarian reserve maybe by having it tested and providing those results if applicable. Applicants should have a normal reserve, not a diminished ovarian reserve.
The goal of our program is to help you create a family. If an applicant has a diagnosis of age-related infertility, poor quality eggs, or low ovarian reserve the best chance of success (depending on individual medical evaluation) is going to be the use of a donor’s eggs or sperm. Donor costs are not covered with the basic donated IVF services.
The medical services are “donated” from various clinics around the United States. While it is possible to use a geographically close clinic, INCIID sends recipients only to those clinics where the director and staff have chosen to become part of the program through a donation of cycle/s. If your clinic is a participating clinic and you are chosen as a recipient, you can go to your clinic. Clinic locations span from the coast to coast. Sometimes arrangements can be made with a member’s clinic if the clinic is willing to donate.
If your clinic has an interest in donating cycles, please have them call INCIID or download our Programs Brochure, call us: 703-379-9178 or email us at INCIIDinfo@staging.inciid.org
The cycles are NOT FREE. There are a number of expenses associated with traveling for medical treatment: Hotels, Long Distance Calls, Food, etc. The INCIID program does not cover any travel expenses. There are some medical services that are not covered depending on individual medical needs. The services donated are “in-house” services a clinic or practice provides.
The following is usually NOT donated:
- Any/all pre-cycle work-up/screening;
- Anesthesia (unless done in-house – this is on a clinic by clinic basis)
- There are some medications that are NOT included. Medications are donated and the program and/or committee may designate distribution of certain medications which may be limited. We have donated medications for the purposes of stimulating ovarian production only and other medications i.e. birth control pills, antibiotics and/or down-regulating drugs (etc.) are not included.
- Any/all donor/surrogate-related services, fees and stipends
- Cryopreservation of Embryos
- Any services rendered by a provider Other than the donating clinic or facility
- Other medical services and medications (decided on a case-by-case basis)
NOTE: All recipient/finalist cycles are subject to a final medical review and determination (by the donating clinic) on whether the donated treatment is appropriate for the recipient. The Heart Program is supported by generous donations and contributions from both individuals and corporate members.
Download 2019 From INCIID the Heart IVF Scholarship Application.