Male Infertility Webinar
Webinars or Educational Modules are audio visual and virtual presentations which provide solid content, information and a great deal of support for individuals and couples experiencing the struggle to build a family. They are a teaching tool to help educate you on specific topics of interest in your quest to build or add to your familiy.
Live webinars presentations differ from in-person workshops only in method by which the information is delivered. The webinar programs augment and enhance other patient education experiences. It is INCIID’s desire to expand the reach of consumers in order to make education and support much more accessible. That’s why INCIID Webinar Programs provides resources for learning regardless of time and place. They are interactive, auditory and visual presentations which provide opportunities to learn while maintaining a more private and intimate setting for the consumer. The format allows the presenter to speak and also interact with comments and questions from the comfort of their own home setting. Once a live presentation is complete we archive these modules to be utilized over and over again by our community members.
Dr. Mark Perloe presents an AUDIO VISUAL educational primer on Male Infertility; its physiology, anatomy and current treatments. This module was made possible by an unrestricted and generous donation by Sigma-tau Pharmaceuticals, Makers of ProXeed.
You’ll need to give the audio a few minutes to start. Although you can jump from slide to slide, the program will progress automatically.
If you have a problem with the module, please email us HERE