Mar. 12, 2015 INCIID Insights Newsletter: Baby Steps to Surrogacy and ESY

Baby Steps to Surrogacy
by Marla Neufeld, Esq

I was under the impression that once you decide to start a family, you toss the birth control and give it the ‘old college try’. BAM! There you are in your cute maternity jeans, booking your family trip to Disney World. I was surely mistaken. The reality my husband and I suffered through years of failed infertility treatments, disappointment, and expense. We attempted IUI (intrauterine insemination), IVF (in vitro fertilization), injected boxes of hormones, endured multiple miscarriages, and wished upon “good luck” charms.  We decided we had endured enough and yet didn’t want to give up our dream of having our biological child; we reached a ‘baby making’ crossroads and reassessed our game plan.  Several frozen embryos remained from a prior IVF cycle. I could have tried IVF again by means of a FET (frozen embryo transfer). As much as I wanted to experience pregnancy my chance of success was very slim; ultimately our doctor approved us for surrogacy.  Learn More 


It’s Time to Think About ESY  
by Brice Palmer   
In our last article we mentioned that knowing how a decision is made by a hearing officer is important for improving your chances of success at Team meetings. What it all means is that we must be well prepared before the meeting begins. That’s just smart advocacy. But what is an advocate?  Learn More




Congratulations to Kaitlin & Scott

Newest IVF Scholarship Recipients 

Requests for IVF scholarships are coming in daily and the committee is busy pouring over and selecting applications.

Kaitlin and Scott like so many other couples traveling the infertility path suffered tremendous pain and loss. Sadly, their twins were born too soon at 23 weeks and only lived 37 hours. Kaitlin says, “Our greatest blessing turned into unbearable sadness and sorrow.”

Kaitlin and Scott are enthusiastic INCIID supporters. We’ll share more of their story in the coming newsletters.

If you are interested in the IVF Scholarship program INCIID started in 2004, please check out the“Frequently Asked Questions” here.

Webinars and Online Meetings 
March 18th: Brice Palmer on Special Needs & Extended School Year – Register Here
March 19th: IVF Scholarship Information – INCIID – Register Here
March 25th : Mike Berkley Acupuncturist East Meets West: Can acupuncture improve your chances? Register Here
More coming in April and May – Check the INCIID Community Calendar
If you are an INCIID supporter we will gladly include your event on our calendar.

Contact INCIID for more information or if there is a topic you want us to present.



INCIID has moved from Arlington to Burke Virginia.

In discussions with the US Postal Service about our mail, we discovered forwarding mail has been sporadic.  If you sent us an IVF application, a donation, a letter or anything after July 1, 2014, please re-send it and email us to let us know. We are sorry for the inconvenience our move caused.

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